Thursday, August 02, 2018

“Facebook’s new 'Playable Ads' let you try mobile game demos right in your newsfeed” KF Blog #9“Facebook’s new 'Playable Ads' let you try mobile game demos right in your newsfeed” KF Blog #9

Facebook’s new 'Playable Ads' let you try mobile game demos right in your newsfeed

Brand new Facebook feature – “playable ads” which are aimed at video game marketers. (Think Angry Birds, which took advantage of this new ad feature.) This new ad solution allows people to test out or play a video game before downloading it, right on their Facebook newsfeed. It’s a new interactive sampling experience.

Now, mobile game advertisers can capture more information on who is interested in the game, and will then be able to target these people with more messaging if they try it out. It brings people through the “awareness and conversion” funnel in an obvious way. Click-thrus aren’t as strong as if people are playing a game, and time spent playing is an effective measurement of interest. Already, advertisers have seen lifts on their return on ad spend, and their cost per paying user has gone down on the platform. Not only driving awareness, but Facebook offers a retention optimization feature for companies to monetize via in-app ads, allowing marketers to target users driving them back to the app through re-engagement.

Seems that engagement and interactive ads are the next big thing on Facebook. In addition to these new playable ads, Facebook also added augmented reality ads, which allow customers to interact with ad products, such as virtual glasses. This could include facial recognition, similar to what Snap Chat offers. Looking forward to more ad innovation to keep brands top of mind.

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