Thursday, January 17, 2019

Using Podcasts as a targeted marketing channel

Podcast listenership has been growing exponentially in recent years, especially within the younger demographic. According to metrics released by Edison Research, in 2018 forty-eight million people listened to podcasts weekly, up six million from 2017. By way of comparison, approximately 20 million people watch NFL Sunday Night Football, the highest-rated television program for many years. Growing adoption of apps such as Spotify is also contributing to an uptick in podcast listenership. This increase in popularity has made podcasts an ideal medium for marketing.

Podcasts provide marketers unique avenues to insert advertisements. Not only does it offer a captive audience but it also allows for very specific targeting. Listeners are likely to pick podcast types and topics that they are personally interested in. This ensures a much more engaged listener who is more receptive to products or services related to the podcast. It also offers interesting ad formats, such as endorsements where the podcast host, who the listener probably likes and respects, offers a personal testimonial to promote a product or service. Ads can be interwoven into the content of the program which give them a natural feel and make them more compelling. 

Podcasts offer marketers a powerful channel as they look to integrate into all digital formats accessed by customers.

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