Saturday, February 23, 2019

Live Video Now A Critical Element of Digital Marketing Mix

One area of digital marketing that is likely to explode in 2019 and beyond is the use of live video on social media and other platforms by a whole range of different brands.

With “canned” video already having become such a staple of many marketing campaigns, intelligent and creative use of live can offer an extra dimension and authenticity that can really drive consumer engagement and differentiate the brand.

Indeed, some statistics illustrate how the use of live video by marketing campaigns has been steadily growing and could soon take off.

According to Facebook, daily watch time for Facebook Live broadcasts quadrupled over the course of 2018  and one in five videos on Facebook are now live videos.

However, the challenge for many brands will be how to integrate live video organically into their social media strategy, and their overall digital marketing plan. It must be done in a way that is consistent with the brand’s vibe and overall positioning. Otherwise, there is a risk that its use can come off as, at best, a tick box exercise, or, at worst, inauthentic.

The kinds of things that work well on live video include: behind-the-scenes looks at company headquarters, conferences and events, product demonstrations, Q&As, interviews, and webinars. By creating such live events the brand is offering more personal touchpoints between itself and consumers and allow real-time dialogue and interactions.

Most importantly, live video is a free service. Even when not physically together, consumers and brands can easily share important moments and experiences together.

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