A 2017, Pew Research found that about 67 percent of adults
in the U.S. get at least some of their news from social media and the number of
young people looking to online video as a news source is rapidly growing. As more
people use search and social media to gather critical information impacting
their daily lives, the pressure on such companies to take responsibility for
information being shared has also grown. This has led to some popular platforms
taking drastic steps to control information that can be accessed.
One such recent example is Pinterest banning all results for
searches related to vaccination. Social media companies are drawing criticism
for not doing more to prevent the spread of misinformation about vaccines.
According to a Wall Street Journal report Pinterest described the search
ban—which the company hasn’t previously publicly discussed but which went into
effect late last year—as a temporary but necessary measure until it can develop
better strategies to sift through what it calls “polluted” content. The company
made a similar decision last year to block searches for dubious cancer
therapies. The aggressive move by Pinterest marks another change in the way
large tech companies are trying to handle the responsibility of monitoring the
flow of information.
This brings up an interesting debate on how much censorship,
if any, should such popular platforms implement and what could be the potential
lateral impact on businesses that depend on such platforms for marketing. In
this case, if such a ban was expanded beyond Pinterest, and say Facebook or
Google decided to ban vaccination related content, a person genuinely looking
for information on vaccines may not be able to find accurate information. More
over medical companies trying to market legitimate products and procedures
might need to change their strategies. Search keywords will need to be re-evaluated
if a certain term / phrase if completely banned. This may lead to perfectly
sensible and helpful content being blocked and limit the marketing reach of
companies using these terms.
Pinterest’s solution to this issue may seem absurd but it’s
probably first of many such instances. As pressure on technology companies to
be liable for content they host increases, censorship will also rise. This will
pose a unique challenge to companies that may have products that could be
categorized as ‘controversial’. These companies may need to develop unique
digital marketing strategies to navigate around such content bans.
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