Monday, February 25, 2019

Public Collections on Instagram?

Recently, it has been found out that Instagram may be working on a new feature similar to the core idea of Pinterest – allowing users to curate posts into public collections and to share with their followers. Currently, the social media behemoth allows its users to save posts into collections/folders for private view. Yet, “making it public for everyone” may be a big move for marketers/brands to utilize on. Two ideas are illustrated as below:

1. More Value-added Content
Cross-selling with other brands can never be this easier before. Public collections provide opportunities for brands to create more targeted offering for audience who’s already looking for certain information (and would love to skip the endless scroll of your beautifully curated Instagram feeds). Showcasing how the products are used under different scenarios can be organized in a more systematic way. A smart move to catch the “long-tail” of diverse aesthetics.

2. Word of Mouth to Its Finest
Public collections may open up doors to the user generated content (UGC) in ways different from hashtags. Imagine that brands can save up UGC, make them public, and accumulate organic content endorsed by its most powerful marketing agents – loyal fans’ word of mouth. The essence of social media is achieved.

I know it’s too early to say how the feature will actually function, still it’s thrilling to see how each newly introduced feature impact the competitive landscape on IG.

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