Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Advertising Overkill on Websites

I was searching for a topic for this classes blog and thought I would look for something related to voice search as it is something I don't know much about but Professor Kagan has talked about in several lectures. 
I googled "voice search trends 2019" and was pleased to see an article on Forbes titled
"12 Ways To Optimize Marketing Content For Voice Search."  As I started to scroll down the page 2 ads popped up as well as a video in the bottom left of the screen.  I then decided I needed to change my topic from voice search to an advertising overkill on websites.  
Between Forbes and the Dailymail I am not sure who is worse, however their websites have become unbearable.  
I am sitting here at my desk looking at a copy of my Forbes March Edition and wonder what the breakdown is between online advertising revenue and magazine subscriptions, i am not a betting man, but think it's probably 70/30 if not more!  

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