Friday, March 08, 2019

Amazon Takes a Crack at Solving the Attribution Problem

Amazon’s Attribution program aims to provide brands with data on which ads are best converting to sales on the Amazon platform. This information will allow brands to allocate funding between search, display, and video channels. The program is still under beta and enrollment has closed but will be unveiled to opened up to more brands in the future.

Brands are able tracking pixels on other sites which would redirect the user to Amazon and Amazon is able to let the brand know who ended converting, who left an item in the shopping cart, or who did not make it past the product page.

Although the Amazon Attribution program is a nice step forward in the attempt to close the last mile attribution gap but for digital marketers, it is not the holy grail which many marketers. For example, the classic attribution program remains where any level of prior engage the consumer had with other ads from the brand are not accounted for. Additionally, due to their rivalry Amazon is not able to gain access to whether a consumer was shown a display add on Facebook and then decided to browse to Amazon.

With Amazon, Facebook, and Google are all fighting for ad revenue, will they ever want to share their data to give the advertisers a complete picture of the attribution problem?

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