Saturday, March 09, 2019

Brands Partner with Snapchat to Bring Promotions to Life

At South by Southwest, Snapchat recently shared that they are teaming up with companies like Amazon and HBO to bring promotions to life with its unique lens. According to AdAgeSnapchat is deploying what it calls "marker" technology, which is a next-generation QR code that brands put on their packaging and outdoor ads so people can bring them to life in the app. For example, Game of Thrones has posters for the show that can animate using AR to bring the poster to life. Using this technology, Snapchat is continuing to find ways to differentiate their value proposition for advertisers as competitors such as Facebook, Google and Apple have encroached their social space in recent years. 

In my opinion, I think this technology is a fantastic way to activate what would be considered more traditional marketing tactics, print and outdoor as a for instance, and leverage modern digital marketing techniques to engage and inspire target audiences. Although I'm not sure this will truly become a competitive advantage for Snapchat given that other companies are also within the AR space, I am impressed that they have continued to find ways to stand out in a very crowded field. 

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