Thursday, March 07, 2019

Google Shifted Ad Manager to First Price Auction

In a timely announcement on March 6, 2019, Google announced that programmatic ad sales through Ad Manager will be shifting from second price auction to first price auction. In a first price auction the winner pays what they bid. In a second price auction the winner pays what the second highest bidder bid.

Programmatic display is the ability to automate ads for your target audience. Traditionally sold in a second price auction, the changing landscape, complexity and nuance of the advertising space has created a need for more accurate pricing. Advertisers can purchase impressions for advertising space on chosen websites, with the auctions happening in a fraction of a second.

In general with this type of auction, clearing price will rise which will benefit the seller. However it will also allow buyers to target their money at ads that are the most worth it to them and yield the best results.

Google will be giving time for bidders to adjust to the new market rules and necessary technical requirements to adapt to the new auction format.

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