Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Qantas Airline Cleverly Taps into Viral Marketing

A 10-year old boy wrote a letter to Alan Joyce, the CEO of Qantas airline, asking Joyce for advice about starting his dream to start his own airline. Joyce wrote the young CEO back a thoughtful letter which quickly received a lot of traction on Twitter, with over 42,000 likes and retweets within the first 24 hours. Additionally, the story was picked up by many of the major news outlets where the brand gained further exposure.

Aside from Joyce looking like a great guy and making the young boy’s day, the letter was able to spread a tremendous amount of awareness about the brand in an extremely positive light. Many of the replies indicated how highly they thought of the brand for its actions. Below are some of the comments.

The second, perhaps more hidden angle, was that Qantas was able to use the letter as a cleverly disguised ad to reinforce its positioning. The letter mentions Qantas commitment to passenger safety and gives a plug for their new non-stop route from Australia to London. It is perhaps cynical to think that the brand only did this from the PR benefits and exposure, but it would be naive to think that Qantas did not consider the added benefits.

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