Friday, September 13, 2019

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Social media giants, Instagram and Facebook have been saturating our internet communities with paid advertisements for over a decade. Over the course of the last few years, that these advertising mediums have evolved into eerily accurate at targeting customers and, sometimes mind-numbingly weaved into our newsfeeds and stories. And for these companies that are hoping to find new customers with their marketing budgets? It has become a huge investment expense. 

I recently read an article in The Business of Fashion about the rising costs of Instagram and Facebook have made brands question whether the investment is worth the return. Instead, brands like M.Gemi shoes and Away luggage have allocated marketing resources to "old-school" advertising like Billboards and catalogs.  With rising costs, skeptical customers, it might be only a matter of time that we all go back to thumbing yellow pages and relying only on word-of-mouth endorsements people we trust! 

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