Saturday, September 14, 2019

Beauty Influencer Marketing

Beauty Influencer Marketing

The recent trend in digital marketing is swiping the beauty industry. Especially with the influencers. We break down the SNS(Instagram mostly) influencers with influencing power like following:

 - Mega influencers: followers with more than 1 Million
 - Micro influencers: followers with 500,000+
 - Nano influencers: followers with 100,000+

What we pay them to come to our even tis so crazy. We would pay them $1mm to just show up in one of our events and post about it. They would take about 10 hours to make $1mm.

But, why we use them is even more amazing. The influence they build amongst the tremendous. I would see the instant result, ROIs that I have never seen with traditional marketing. This is so addictive, because once you can used to this digital marketing, there is no way going back.

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