Friday, October 11, 2019

Cartoon robot encounters man on street and says Bob Bob Henderson I'd recognize that face from my extensive database...Facial recognition has been rife with issues and has been the subject of great debate and the source of much stress for some.  I, for one, have had alternate feelings of awe and 'the creeps' that iPhoto has been able to recognize and categorize the photos of my children as their faces have dramatically changed from infancy to toddlerhood.  There were a few mishaps where they miscategorized their baby pictures because they looked so much alike as infants, but it seems the AI interface kicked in a little and factored in the year each picture was taken-as the kids are 2 years apart.

The adoption of this new technology is rapidly progressing and facial recognition is being used by police departments, residential buildings, homeland security, etc.  However, the technology is not perfected and is only as good as the program used to create it and subject to the biases of the programmer(s).  Many lament the racial and gender biases of the technology and as in the article, the reliability of the technology to accurately and reliably identify an individual.  A word to the wise would implore the masses to hold off on adopting the technology further, until there are a few (or several) upgrades made to the technology.

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