Friday, October 25, 2019

Salesforce Determined to Dominate Email Marketing

This week, Salesforce introduced new features to its email marketing, including insights and AI-informed content suggestions. Through its product "Einstein", it has a content selection tool that automatically recommends content to include in an email. It can also use natural language processing to recommend email subject lines and other phrases to make the content as engaging as possible.

Salesforce Einstein Content Selection

In addition, Einstein's insights features can automatically inform marketers about the performance of their marketing campaigns. It will suggest how to improve campaigns that are not doing so well.

Even cooler might be Salesforce's "Journey Builder", which enables marketers to create a cohesive email journey for consumers. Through this, you can create a "Journey Template", which can then be shared and used in a collaborative way across your organization.

Salesforce Journey Template

These are very useful tools for any company that leverages Salesforce as a CRM. Combined with email marketing efforts, these new features can be powerful for companies to increase conversion rates.

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