Sunday, October 20, 2019

Trump Outspends the Dems on Digital

Ok, I'm doing it... I'm going political on a class blog.

In a recent article in the New York Times, the paper of record noted that the Donald Trump reelection campaign is outspending the Democrats on digital ads, and that at least some Democrats (the Biden campaign) have responded by... reducing digital spend and diverting the funds to TV advertising. Oh boy.

NYTimes went on to explain why this is a bad idea for the Dems, not only because duh, that's what happened in 2016, but also because they should be fighting to make up for an inherent disadvantage against an opponent who seems to automatically go viral by pushing provocative and polarizing messaging. It is entirely unclear why the Biden campaign decreased digital spend, but if it was at all meant to punish social networks for allowing opponents' untruthful political ads to buy space on their sites, then ducking out of the conversation could be a bad strategy.

As is on brand for the Times, the article is very long, but it includes some examples of Trump ads and describes how they are selected, tested and optimized to deliver the most fundraising juice. I recommend giving it a read.

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