Saturday, November 23, 2019

Black Friday! How to Convert Consumers Into Year-Round Customers

It's Black Friday next week, which means a lot of shopping and a lot of digital marketing! Of course, I ironically found a sponsored article (content marketing!) about this topic. But, the article shares some important information for those who aren't up to speed on the ins and outs of Black Friday consumerism.

Notably, the customer lifetime value of a customer acquired on Black Friday is lower and spans a shorter amount of time. So what is a marketer to do?

You can create a highly targeted email campaign that addresses the consumers' needs. You should also be ensuring that this campaign creates an experience for them that is engaging and top notch, and that also leverages multiple channels.

Don't forget that these consumers have the potential to buy again and again during the holiday season - and they will remember how the experience went during the first purchase. If you provide quality experiences, including customer service, they are more likely to be repeat purchasers.

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