Thursday, November 07, 2019

Christmas ad spend, consumer confidence, ‘dishonest’ social posts: 5 killer stats to start your week

What stands out to me from the following article is the validation of companies strategy of shifting away from branded content towards user generated content. The distrust of social media in general was probably a canary in the coal mine for the large portion of users online that do not trust brands own posts on social media. Given this the required shift from brands away from marketing materials to influencers may not be enough, instead they should consider focus on micro/nano influencers or regular consumers themselves.

A third of Britons think brands’ social media posts are ‘dishonest’

More than a third (36%) of Britons believe that what companies and business leaders post on social media is ‘dishonest’, while just 31% believe what companies post and 25% what business leaders post is honest.
People are most mistrusting of celebrities, with almost half (48%) of Britons considering celebrity social media posts ‘dishonest’, followed by influencers on 44%. Just 21% think celebrities and influencers are being ‘honest’ in how they portray their lives on social media.
Among regular social media users, two in five (41%) have seen inaccurate content, while a further 21% are unsure if they have. Nearly one in five (17%) say they have seen content that is completely false and incorrect, while 21% say they have seen content that is misleading, misinformed (20%) or manipulated (19%).
Source: YouGov

Christmas ad spend up but TV investment down

A record £6.8bn will be spent on Christmas advertising this year, up 4.7% year on year.
However, investment in TV ads is expected to fall 1% year on year to £1.4bn as brands switch to online, radio and cinema. Online display ad spending is forecast to reach £1.75bn, marking the first year more is spent on online display ads than TV.
Search will get the largest share of spend, up 9.4% year on year to £1.9bn. Outdoor will see spend increase by 5.8% to £379m, while spend on cinema is set to rise 5.4% to £101.5m and radio up 4.9% to £202.5m.
However, national newspapers will see spend drop 2.6% to £265.7m, magazine brand spend is set to fall 5.8% to £180m, and direct mail is down 5.7% to £379.2m.
Source: AA/Warc

The importance of long-term agency relationships

Two-thirds (65%) of multinational advertisers believe a long-term relationship with their agency is either important, very important or essential in producing great work, while just 12% say it is irrelevant.
Creative and media agencies typically enjoy the longest relationships, with 36% saying their media agency had worked with them for at least five years and 34% saying the same for their creative agency.
However, there are improvements that can be made. Just 17% of clients describe themselves as ‘very good’ at briefing, with 43% admitting they are only ‘adequate’, ‘poor’ or ‘very poor’ in this area. This despite the fact that 79% agree that great briefing is essential to producing great work.
Source: WFA

Wearables market set to increase by 27%

Spending on wearables such as smart watches, smart clothing and head-mounted displays is expected to reach $51.54bn in 2020, up 27% year on year. That will climb again in 2021 to $62.99bn.
The fastest growing segments are smart watches, where spending will rise 34% year on year, and smart clothing, up 52%. Smart watches will also be the biggest in terms of overall shipments, at 86 million units, followed by ear-worn gadgets on 70 million units.
In terms of spend, smart watches are again the biggest sector with spend reaching $22.8bn next year. This is followed by head-mounted displays on $10.6bn, ear-worn gadgets on $8.7bn, sports watches on $3.6bn, wristbands on $2.1bn and smart clothing on $1.7bn.
Source: Gartner

Consumer confidence falls as uncertainty reigns

Consumer confidence fell by two points in October to -14, with all five measures falling, as consumers worry about political and economic uncertainty.
Consumers’ feelings on their personal financial situation over the next 12 months and their propensity to make a big purchase were both down, raising concerns over spend at Christmas. The major purchase index fell two points to a score of one, while people’s views on their personal financial situation was down three points to one.
People are also concerned about the general economic situation, which sits at -33 over the past 12 months and -37 for the next 12.
Source: GfK

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