Friday, November 15, 2019


Different from KOL (key opinion leader), KOC (key opinion customers) has fewer followers on social media. Although they do not have expertise in marketing, they “appear” to be more trustworthy than KOLs. Instagram has started a new law that influencers need to specify “sponsored content” on top if they receive financial returns from the brands. Despite this fact, content shared by influencers is less trustworthy. 

KOC, on the other hand, is the next target of marketers. Although they do not have millions of followers, influence in a close friend cycle of tens and hundreds can drive sales as well. Their opinions, if positive, being seen can bring a higher conversion rate than KOLs. 

However, are KOCs really more trustworthy than KOLs? 

An article about “Micro-influencer” :

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