Saturday, November 02, 2019

Trump's Twitter Feed

I can't remember the last time I signed into my twitter account. In fact, I have probably posted 5 times, all before 2013. I have found the only time it to be helpful is when MTA has severe delays or when I notice large amounts of police activity around my office building (I work right next to WTC).

Regardless of my personal preference, our President loves Twitter. It is his way to engage with his supporters and promote his party's platform. The NYT published an article today all about Trump's twitter feed. I found this quote to be alarming:

In fact, Mr. Trump has retweeted at least 145 unverified accounts that have pushed conspiracy or fringe content, including more than two dozen that have since been suspended by Twitter. Tinfoil-hat types and racists celebrate when Mr. Trump shares something they promote. After he tweeted his support for white farmers in South Africa, replies included “DONALD IS KING!” and “No black man can develop land.”
For more on Donald Trump's twitter feed, you can read the full article here.

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