Thursday, January 23, 2020

Companies bid on keywords on BAIDU

Baidu makes money on the P4P (Pay For Placement) platform. Companies that want to appear on a Baidu search will set up an account where they bid money to appear high in the search results when certain keywords are searched. The winners at auction end up higher in the search results, so they get more search impressions and, eventually, customers.  Baidu benefits because companies constantly bid to appear in their search results (as its the #1 search engine in China), so that is a HUGE source of revenue. But this pricing strategy may undermine the search relevance. Technically speaking, as long as companies bid high enough on certain keywords even though their websites are less relevant, those companies would appear on the first page. Baidu benefits a lot from this revenue stream but from my view, it is very dangerous at losing customers due to irrelevance searching or low quality of searching. Since searching market is well protected by the government, Baidu would avoid many International competitions but other unicorns in China like Taobao are taking market shares from Baidu. So how long Baidu can wait to make change? We will see...

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