Thursday, February 27, 2020

Competitive Marketing Warfare

In a recent article posted on LinkedIn by a marketing firm, the author makes an argument that businesses should be waging a marketing war on their competition. They should be studying and attacking their competition. They should be prepping a consistent offensive and trying to draw their competition into the battle.

Upon first reading this article, my fragile millennial mind revolted. Shouldn't we all play nice? Can't we all have a piece of the market? Even if we have to take share from eachother we can at least do it with civility and not go to war with other companies. I actually might not even like a company that goes to war with other companies. Or would i?

I think I've actually already enjoyed and even respected some companies marketing war offensives. 

One that comes to mind immediately it Lemonade's battle with State farm. I don't know if State farm really meant to call Lemonade to the battle field but the add below kinda made it look like they were. 

After seeing this ad Lemonade's CEO had an interesting strategic insight and went to battle quickly. 

Not only did they respond, they actually spent ad dollars to boost the ad from State farm!

Maybe this offensive marketing warfare thing can be kinda compelling.

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