Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Content is King

In 2020, it seems like everyone’s in the video content business. Media companies are spending millions of dollars to acquire content that they predict will capture subscriber loyalty as the streaming wars shift from a ‘distribution is king’ competitive landscape to a ‘content is king’ competitive landscape – and brands seem to be following suit.

And why wouldn’t they, when digital video viewers are predicted to continue increasing in the coming years?

Video content is behind the success of many brands; one more amusing example is White Claw, which took off after a viral video from comedian Trevor Wallace took the internet by storm. From viral videos come viral internet memes and other consumer-made content that you can’t help but share with friends. Before you know it, a brand becomes popular. But how can brands and companies better control their branded video content? And more importantly, is produced, branded content impactful?

One biometric study from 2018 featured in AdAge points to ‘yes.’ Specifically, the study found that “Viewers of branded content were 62 percent more likely to show a positive reaction compared with those who watched 30-second ads,” and that “…those who viewed branded content were 17 percent more likely to say that they were ‘very likely’ to buy the brand being advertised.”

So, everywhere you look, it appears that content truly is king. Storytelling has always been at the core of marketing, and as we move into the 2020s, it seems that a keen understanding of effective storytelling through video will be critical for success.

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