Thursday, February 20, 2020

How does growth in AI and voice search impact digital marketing?

20% of searches over mobile devices are reported to be voice searches. Traditional organic searches by means of typing words into a search engine is being taken over by voice search due to several factors like convenience and speed.
54% of the US population has access to a voice assistant (18% through smart speakers and remaining through smartphones). This ubiquitous presence of AI makes it more convenient to simply search the web through voice commands than access a device and manually type.
Second, users can input 110-150 words per minute using voice search while they can input only 38-40 per minute by typing which makes voice almost 4x faster than typing. As a result, some estimates indicate that over 50% of total searches will be through voice in the next 5 years.
What does this mean for digital marketing?
Given this shifting trend, it is imperative that businesses optimize their websites as well as digital marketing strategy for voice search. Some ways in which this can be done include:
·       Move away from keywords: For one it means that rather than focusing on keywords, it is more important to use simple language. The content of the web page should be able to answer the intent of a users’ search. Priority must be given to the implied meaning of a search query as using keywords in content has no value when it comes to voice search.
·       Use long tail keywords: While typing, we use short and concise words to convey our intent but in voice searches, people speak a proper query to find a solution. Hence, it is important to include those long-tail keywords in web content. With voice search, the average length of questions will increase. As an outcome, marketers have to increase the length of their keywords.
·       Add frequently asked questions that can be picked up easily by the AI
·       Tell Google about your relevance: This can be done by using structured data markup. It helps in telling Google bots about a webpage’s content and its relevance.

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