Saturday, March 07, 2020

Amazon sponsored brand video: what they are and how to use them in your Amazon strategy

Amazon sponsored brand video: what they are and how to use them in your Amazon strategy

Key stat: Viewers retain 95% of a video message versus 10% for text.

In early 2020, you can now show (in beta testing version in U.S.) video content right in the search results. It works on keywords to target the audience, and this expands the format of the "sponsored" product ads with now providing video.

The idea is for the sponsored brand video ads to grab the user's attention while they browse search results, and is a tactic to consider, when looking to boost your CTR and conversions.

So how have the early results been for some advertisers relative to Amazon's other offerings? The cost per clicks (CPC) were lower for the keywords tested. More research has not been provided because this is so new, but worth monitoring. Each strategist should review the tools and determine for themselves how they could generate benefits relative to other strategies and tactics.

Other tips to consider:
  • On screen text: lay over the video in case the user's sound is off.
  • Video loop: 15-30 seconds.

Good luck!

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