Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Can you trust search results?

What's the best coffee maker? Who is the best coffee roaster? Best restaurants in flat iron. Can I eat good sushi for less than a paycheck in NYC? Many of these questions are ones we used to ask friends or family but now we ask google. Or maybe we ask amazon. But do we trust the answers amazon and google are giving us? We know that many of the top results are only there bc they paid to be and not because they are actually the best answer to our question but what about the organic answers? Do we trust them? A new post from Moz digs into these questions.

Some of the information in the chat below leads us to believe that as google gets better and and better at returning good quality content that many folks trust the answers in some very important arenas of life. 

This same survey went on to ask respondents if google has been returning more relevant search results. Broken down by age, the responses are very interesting. How much people trust google for political content highlights a unique difference. 

This information paired with the rest of the survey results, shows that younger folks tend to trust google more. 

So what do we do with this? Maybe when considering content marketing where we are trying to build a professional persona for our service/product we tread very carefully in our approach to older clients and try to find avenues outside of google to push the content to them. 

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