Sunday, March 22, 2020

COVID-19 Effects: With internet traffic up, CVRs are also up for SOME industries

NPR: Internet Traffic Surges as Companies & Schools Send People Home

Summary: Unsurprisingly, as people begin to stay indoors and work / learn from home, internet traffic is booming. Here's a quote from the article, which illustrates what's happening with some data: We first saw this trend in South Korea & Italy, where "Visits to news sites went up as much as 60%. And people are spending more time playing online games. // A similar pattern is emerging in the U.S. Cloudflare says Internet traffic jumped 20% on Friday, after President Trump declared the pandemic a national emergency. In hard-hit Seattle, Internet use was up 40% last week compared to January."

Thoughts: Based on these trends, I think we can only expect online traffic to continue to balloon - especially as additional states such as OH, CA, NY, NJ, CT, OR & PA put into place various versions of "shelter in place" mandates.

Additionally: Given that the above is a relatively "obvious" insight, I'd like to share an interesting article that digs into the exact details of what's happening with Google Ads:  How COVID-19 has Impacted Google Ads Results for 21 Industries. I've screen-shotted a few of their most interesting graphs:

Google Ads clicks slowing graph

Google Ads conversion rates graphs

However, conversion rates for Non-Profits & Charities, Medical Supplies & Pharmaceuticals, Business Management, and Beauty & Personal Care showed clear recent increases. I'll spare you the more depressing flip-side of the coin (ie: where CVRs have gone down), but feel free to click through the above article if you're curious about which industries are hurting (from a Google Ads CVR perspective) right now!

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