Friday, March 06, 2020

How to effectively target your competitor keywords!

How to effectively target your competitor keywords!
I found this article which provides a helpful playbook for competitor keyword targeting. The proposed process is the following:
  1. Make sure you understand the keyword to conversion funnel
This was an obvious step in hindsight but super important. The question is, what is our customer journey? You must understand their habits, and how they purchase, and this can be defined by using keywords analysis and looking at keyword CTRs to help inform what type of people they are. Second, and also important, what are you goals? For example, is it to draw traffic even if they don’t lead to conversions? You may be comfortable with this because you are selling ads or because you have a great retargeting campaign that is very effective at conversions. Know your funnel, know your goals!

  1. Choose competitors that tend to target the same audiences
To gain the appropriate insights, you should choose competitors that target the same audiences. Even if they compete with you in a particular category, if they are much BROADER, you may not want to use them. There is a tool called SimilarWeb, which can provide you insights into audiences that would visit your site and other sites. This is expensive, but may be a worthwhile tool to leverage.

  1. Keyword selection process, should follow certain rules
Start with the low hanging fruit, easier keywords first. Not the ones that are harder against the most competitive brands.
Then, go after the keywords that you currently use that work well now. Leverage AdWords for this. Also consider what you will need to do if you choose a certain keyword, such as creation of a blog, new website sections, etc. If these will take more effort, push these down further within the list.
Don't go after keywords for something you don’t carry!

All in all, these are very approachable steps that anyone can do. Good luck!

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