The reason to integrate Facebook marketing and email marketing is that they are both highly effective marketing channels and the overall result is much better when they are used in conjunction with each other.
As per an article "5 easy ways to integrate Facebook and Email marketing", Facebook marketing allows you to connect with new users and introduce them to your business. As a platform, Facebook also allows for fast rapport building when customers interact with you and your page. On the other hand, email marketing offers an opportunity for more aggressive sales pitches. It can be more about business, and it’s a great way to increase conversions. It also allows for lengthier content to be shared than would be efficient on any social media platform.
While these different marketing platforms work highly effectively on their own, joining forces and integrating both Facebook and email marketing can greatly increase success overall. When marketing campaigns for both Facebook and email work together, you’ll often see an increase in likes and followers on Facebook, more sign-ups for your email, and more engagement and responses overall.
Below are a couple of ways recommended to integrate email and Facebook:
1. Include Icons for Facebook in emails
Featuring icons for your social media platforms on all of your emails is a great way to encourage users to follow you on all those platforms if they haven’t already. This can be effective to your existing customers who are in your email list but not following your Facebook page yet.
2. Provide email sign ups on Facebook
Encourage email sign ups and off-Facebook leads on your Facebook, given that many existing followers will like your Facebook page without finding a place to sign-up for emails.
3. Host a Facebook Contest
Hosting contests on Facebook is a great way to encourage your followers to sign up for your email list. Hosting contests that feature contest apps can result in massive increases in email sign-ups when done correctly. Click here to see more about different contest apps that can increase email sign ups from your Facebook followers.
4. Have an email campaign purely to promote your Facebook page
Sometimes users will not scroll all the way down to the bottom of your email to see the link taking them to your Facebook Page. One way to get more users to like your Page is by featuring an email campaign purely to promote and encourage likes on Facebook.
5. Utilize message integration
Message integration allows you to repurpose your content in a way that drives the point home and reinforces it on both email campaigns and your Facebook Page. You can incorporate some of your most popular email content, such as from a newsletter, on your Facebook Page. Similarly, you can take statuses that perform well on Facebook and add it to the email newsletter. You can use either Facebook or email to test images, content, and more, and then use that information on the other platform. Before you run an ad campaign that discusses a certain offer, you can offer it through email, for example, to see how well it performs there. That way you don’t waste money on an ad campaign that won’t perform.
In addition, as per Facebook for business, consumers are comfortably switching between devices throughout their day, making it important for you to not only activate campaigns across channels but also your marketing messages. In this case, the your most valuable customers were those who both opened the email and saw the News Feed ads as they were being reached by multiple channels. Coordinating messaging across channels resulted in reaching customers who were 22% more likely to purchase than those only reached by email.
6. Leverage CRM to extend email-open reach
Based on your business objectives, you can also activate the customer data, to create a customer list you care about, using the list to talk to your existing best customers with News Feed ads, extending the email campaign reach by 77%. Beyond targeting to your existing customers, you can take the next step and build upon the data from your customer database through lookalikes, identifying potential new best customers.
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