Friday, March 27, 2020

What better time to launch a new season?

Approaching day 15 of quarantine with no live sports, repetitive news headlines, and a cumulative 20+ hours of time logged on my Netflix account, I finally have something to look forward to.

Season 3 of the award winning Netflix show 'Ozark' is releasing tonight. Outside of yesterday's thrilling high speed car chase in Los Angeles, there have been little to no live events or newly released content for consumers to get excited about. Netflix appears to be one of the few beneficiaries of this bizarre world we are all existing in, but what does it mean for advertisers who are constantly feeding off of dynamic events and occurrences to capture new customers and keep current customers captive?

A recent WSJ article notes "Ad-buying giant Magna Global is slashing its U.S. advertising forecast as economic conditions continue to worsen because of the coronavirus pandemic, which it says will have an unprecedented impact on supply, demand, and media consumption." Advertisers know will certainty that the majority of the country is home-bound, yet tv advertising will still remain unfruitful without live sports programming. The advertisers who choose not to cut ad spend will now have to compete more vigorously for share of mobile users screens than ever before. 

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