Saturday, April 18, 2020

Restaurant Geofencing

Given the tight restrictions restaurant-goers face in the era of stay-at-home orders, dine-in restaurants were initially among the hardest hit businesses., a DC based company, is looking to help change that. is a digital marketing agency dedicated to geofencing and digital advertising for the restaurant industry. In order to stay afloat, restaurants, especially those not previously setup for delivery and pickup - like high-end dining establishments - are being forced to adapt their business models. In order to do so, digital is playing a large role in accessing their customer base.

Geofencing creates a virtual perimeter around a real-world geographic area and to reach hyper-local audiences with pinpoint precision, often based on a central location. For restaurants, this allows them to reach local customers that are either reachable via delivery or close enough to elect pick-up as an option. During the time of COVID, this is an especially useful tool. As restaurant owners look to find their footing, is providing their services for free until social distancing orders are lifted or until governments provide sufficient support.

While this service will prove advantageous for participating restaurants, seems to be successfully leveraging digital media outlets to promote the value proposition of their service during a particularly opportune time. In addition to a temporary, complimentary offering of their service, they are also providing pickup/delivery best practices strategies via their website. Strategy insights included operational, customer targeting, and digital marketing recommendations.

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