Monday, April 20, 2020

Week 1:
Seamless Keyword Inclusion

Source: "How to Seamlessly Include Keywords in Your Web Content", February 18, 2014, Jon Rognerud, Entrepreneur Magazine,  

In his book Ultimate Guide to Optimizing Your Website, SEO and online marketing expert Jon Rognerud shows you how to build a high-performance website and get top ranking on all search engines. In this edited excerpt, the author offers some tips for working keywords into your site content in order to attract the search engines. The type of writing you do for website is different than the formal writing required for academia.

This is software that tells you each of the combinations used with a particular keyword, along with how many times the original keyword and its combinations have been used. You can either use paid keyword analyzers, or you can use the popular Google keyword research tool, which is offered for free in the Google AdWords toolset. If you find that your keyword receives a lot of visitors--from 20,000 to 30,000 visitors a month for exact matching terms as a minimum--these are the keywords you may want to consider as part of your keyword optimization strategy. As you review the keywords, think about how you can break them out into logical, related groups.

What you need to do is repeat your keyword several times throughout your content. Generally, you want your keyword to appear 2 to 5 percent of the time. Try to get content ideas first by asking your community and reviewing logs and analytics, and build keyword lists into your posts from there. You could also include articles that while not relating to fan fiction could still be of interest to your audience.

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