Monday, April 20, 2020

Week 6:

Source: “How To Show A Diversity Commitment With User-Generated Content”, Kelly Ehlers, Mar 24, 2020, Forbes Agency Council,

Fueled by the Fenty Effect, diversity content has become a must for marketers. However, a claim to the cause may no longer be enough. Diverse populations don't just want to be shown; they want to be seen.

Show The Audiences That Get Lost In The Crowd

It all starts by asking, «Who am I representing in my feed?» It's easy to grab content from the overwhelming majority.

Invite More People In

After analyzing your feed, you might find that there's a group of consumers you'd like to welcome more into your community.

Tear Down The Misconceptions

Another well-known benefit of UGC is its ability to provide reliable, unbiased accounts of user experience.

Enable Two-Way Communication

Finally, UGC opens a doorway for consumers to communicate directly with your brand.

Sustaining The Change

UGC is a powerful tool for showcasing a brand's diversity commitment. By sharing the many faces that make up a community, your company can illustrate a lasting dedication to representing and appreciating your consumers.

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