Monday, April 20, 2020

Week 9:

Source: “’s new Google Analytics tool sends you weekly Web metric reports as infographics”, PAUL SAWERs, Mar 21, 2013, The Next Web,

The core raison d’être of infographics is to make otherwise complex information easier to parse. And that is exactly what Google Analytics Report does with your valuable Web traffic data.
When you first sign-in , you’ll be asked to select which Google Account you wish to associate with. Once in, you’ll be asked to select which site from that account you wish connect with.
It takes a moment to load, then you’ll see a large infographic splayed across your screen on the right, with the option to sign up for weekly reports on the left. It’s worth noting here that a monthly report option would be great here, as not every website owner wishes to track changes on a weekly basis.

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