Tuesday, September 15, 2020

How Has Digital Marketing Changed in Times of COVID?


How Has Digital Marketing Changed in Times of COVID?

The ongoing pandemic has radically shifted what was considered the norm, including how business is done. With classes and meetings moving to zoom, marketing professionals are also moving online more than ever. What are some changes that are happening in digital marketing during COVID?

1. Budget Increase
According to a survey conducted by Northbrook digital marketing agency, 67% of the nearly 100 marketing and advertising experts said they put in more budget for digital marketing than they otherwise would have. 74% have added that their budget for digital marketing will increase for the next 12 months.

2. Social Media Surge
With more people spending time on their phones (myself included) companies are putting their budget into social media. A survey of more than 270 marketers in the US has increased spending on social media from February to May by 13.3%.

3. Be Real
We hear the phrase repeatedly, but it is a challenging and unprecedented time indeed for all of us. That means businesses are more empathetic and honest about the messages they are sending out. PepsiCo’s research shows that 86% of respondents believe it’s “critical” that brands show empathy and will influence their perspectives on the brand. Reflecting on this mindset, PepsiCo launched the “Stronger Together” campaign to highlight and celebrate essential workers.

Sources: https://www.dailyherald.com/submitted/20200831/advertisers-shifting-marketing-dollars-into-digital-media-due-to-covid-19



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