Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Minimizing data sharing should be in our to-do list

The on-going discussion over Tiktok brought attention to the problem with sharing so much data with apps.

As we become more and more “digital creatures”, as the article said, people share so much of our personal without thinking about it. We just click yes to share live location, conversations through microphones, images from camera, and many others functions.

Despite what some skeptical people might say, the General recommendation is to minimize data sharing, and the best thing to do is to stay informed, but obviously that are other things to actively diminish data sharing to be done.

Google and Apple have recently announced they would make changes in their systems to minimize data sharing. Apple for instance will have an option to share approximate location to apps, so users do not disclose their precise location all the time.

Keeping curiosity and exploring options is what everybody should do, like finding apps to help with the task. For instance there is Fyde that is trending as a free App on both Apple and Google Play.

Article: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/08/26/technology/personaltech/tiktok-data-apps.html

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