Monday, September 21, 2020

The power of a bag of chips: how Lay’s is bringing out smiles hidden behind masks

In this time of masks and face coverings, we could all use a smile. And Lay’s is doing just that! 

The company is bringing back its “Smiles” campaign, releasing 70 new designs of its chip bags featuring big smiles of people who are helping their communities. Lay’s will donate up to $1MM in proceeds from the sales of these chips to Operation Smile, an organization dedicated to improving the health and lives of children and young adults with cleft conditions by providing access to safe surgical care. The campaign demonstrates the increasing trend toward community impact. The “Smilers” on the chip bags include people who have helped the homeless, veterans, youth, and the elderly in their communities. With all the turmoil in the world right now – the pandemic, social unrest, wildfires and poor air quality, and economic devastation – the campaign is especially relevant.

This effort is also an example of how marketers have adapted their marketing approaches in light of the coronavirus pandemic. Because the photo shoot could not happen in person, Lay’s asked the “Smilers” to submit selfies. Lay’s used computer-generated imagery (CGI) technology to enhance the photos and transfer them to its packaging. Advertisers are increasingly turning to imaging technology to alter digital content due to the inability to convene in person. 

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