Tuesday, October 13, 2020

CTV advertising for B2B

I came a across a sponsored article on the MarketingLand.com website on how CTV advertising is primed for B2B. I found it very interesting, specially because it claimed that using CTV ads you can target a specific audience and track attribution.

To the best of my understanding, regular TV ads for B2B are not the best use of money because B2B audiences are very specific, for example, purchasing manager of YZ Company, and in many cases a human needs to be able to follow up to close the sale. If CTV ads allows you to do these things, it should be a good platform to boost a traditional B2B marketing strategy.

Nevertheless, I see the following challenges:

Getting the right information to target the right audience. Without access to their Facebook or LinkedIn profiles, I don't know how they are going to target the purchasing manager at YZ Company. To me this is the biggest challenge because paying to show a B2B ad to the wrong person is the closest I can imagine to burning money.

Clicks are limited to tablets or PCs, leaving out all the ads shown on TVs. This makes follow-ups harder as well as attribution, and without attribution, additional spending is hard to justify.



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