Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Evolution of Black Friday

Black Friday is almost upon us. But how has it evolved? Originated in the 50's in Philadeplphia, the term Black Friday was only first used in print in the late 60's and it took around 20 more years, until the 80's, for retailers to actually start harnessing its power. At this point, the name was used as a reference to "being in the black", which actually meant to be in the red due to low profits during the year. Many years have passsed and, today, Black Friday has evolved from a day to a full long weekend with Saturday being called Small Business Saturday, (Sunday remains a rest day), Monday being renamed Cyber Monday and the newest trend on Tuesday now called Giving Tuesday. Where is it going? It is only a matter of time until Black Friday moves from a day to a full week.

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