Monday, November 23, 2020

Gender diversity in ad industry improves, while ethnic inclusion stalls

The Association of National Advertisers ("ANA") recently conducted a survey on diversity among its members who are CMOs. The survey found that the percentage of female CMOs has improved, up to 52% in 2020 from 47% in 2019 and 45% in 2018.

Despite this positive for gender diversity, ethnic diversity has not seen similar progress. Only 12% of ANA CMOs are ethnically diverse, whereas 26% of marketing professionals are indicated to be ethnically diverse. This is especially evident for African Americans and Hispanics. African Americans comprise only 5% of senior-level employees while comprising 13% of total ANA members, and Hispanics comprise only 8% of senior-level employees while comprising 18% of total ANA members.

This study indicates that marketing departments still have a ways to go to improve ethnic diversity at senior levels. They need to improve their talent recruitment and employee retention practices to ensure diverse candidate pools and talent pipelines. P&G, for example, has established a goal to have gender and ethnic representation at management levels that is at least reflective of percentages in total population. Other companies should also look to institute such goals to increase DEI.


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