Saturday, November 21, 2020

Influencer-focused strategies continu to thrive in COVID-19 era


According to SocialPubli recently published report, partnerships with influencers keep bringing tremendous value even during COVID-19 time. 90% of surveyed marketing professionals from 15 different countries agreed that influencer-focused marketing campaigns provided the same or better results than during pre-COVID era. Moreover, ~40% of respondents stated that influencer marketing is their top ROI marketing strategy. 

Marketers tend to partner with influencers having a followship of less than 100,000 users, which resonates with materials covered in class. Apparently mega-popular influencers are not as efficient in generating relevant impressions considering high costs of such impression and a large variety of follower profiles.

Unsurprisingly Instagram continues to hold leadership in influencer partnership, as 96% of surveyed marketers considered it to be their top choice.

Another interesting tendency identified in the survey is an increased confidence in quality and relevance of content created by influencers. Marketers increasingly prefer influencers to create their own original content without interference of internal marketing teams. Influencer content such as unboxing and review videos have already earned its place among top marketing strategies and now we can only expect to see new types of original and creative content created by influencers.

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