Monday, November 23, 2020

 What is next for Social Media?

Facebook, Instagram, TikTok- these channels have had their fair share of issues and public problems to deal with this year. Although has that deterred users truly from actively engaging on the apps? Even more so, does this deter others who are trying to create and build the next one? 

According to Beauty Independent, it has not stopped Yubo, one of the newest additions to the social media platforms that makes money from selling features to users rather than the traditional advertisement route. Yubo is a place where (mostly teens) can hang out and livestream. It is a French based app designed to create a sense of community. 

In these challenging times, it seems social media platforms may be one of our only ways to build and nurture communities. We can see from new features and focus that the existing platforms are continuously trying to evolve to meet needs of their customers. 

Instagram, Twitter, TikTok and Youtube are all on the list included in the Beauty Independent article on "tweaks to gain customer attention." It is also likely possible that with the second wave of COVID-19 sweeping the world, these platforms will continue to hunker down and innovate to survive.

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