Friday, January 22, 2021

Marketing Through Sponsored Editorial Content

This is nothing new as we had "advertorials" in magazines and nowadays in the form of "influencers" in the social media. But I do sometimes think partnering with a respected influencer or media agency can build credibility and "market" your products in a more subtle way. I guess that's the whole point...

As a father, you have no clue whatsoever on what you're supposed to be doing even if your wife or significant other gives you detailed instructions and explains to you why. You do the instructions with the least amount of thought, almost as if you're doing chores. If anything deters from the direction your brain starts to malfunction. So for people like me, it's good to see new parenting websites such as Fatherly ( that speaks more to people like me than your usual higher intelligent females.

These sites have a fairly specific audience and brands are more and more partnering with these types of media to target the highly gullible potential customers, rather than going to your usual TV and magazine mediums. It's relevant to me, and it's coming from people who are in similar situations, and albeit they were paid to feature these brands at least it's something that I might be more interested now than I was without my little master. 

You can read an example:

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