Friday, March 05, 2021

A new game of Operation?


What do you think of when you see virtual reality (VR) goggles? Most people have seen the videos of people erratically waving their arms around and sometimes colliding with TVs, walls, or other obstacles as they are immersed in a game of zombie fighting or some other virtual game. However, the real-world applications of VR are making waves in the world of medicine as surgeons are able to use the same VR goggles that are commonly used for video games to improve their surgical precision and capabilities. In fact, VR has revolutionized the field of surgery because it enables doctors to visualize and plan ahead before anyone goes under the knife. This has unlimited uses like removing tumors and using VR to navigate away from critical organs, nerves, and other areas. Not only does this help the surgeon, but it also gives the patient peace of mind to be able to see their diagnosis in 3-D and better understand the prescribed procedure that the surgeon is planning to do. So, don’t worry if you see your doctor with a set of VR goggles – they’re busy studying, not zombie killing.

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