Friday, March 05, 2021

Adapting To China's E-Commerce Boom

 Many western brands are striving to keep up with China’s e-commerce boom. China not only corresponds to a big sales opportunity, but also to a marketing challenge, as many new social and digital platforms rise and expand. Here are three facts that I found interesting about China’s e-commerce growth: 

 - Rise of social commerce: the lines between traditional, social and e-commerce are increasingly blurred; it is paramount for brands to rethink their customer journeys to incorporate all new social & digital touchpoints in a seamless manner; moreover, western brands need to get acquainted with new social media platforms that have limited presence in the west (e.g., Douyin, Bilbili and Xiaohongshu) to effectively target their audiences 

 - Focus on lower tier cities: digitization has accelerated especially in lower tier cities. To expand there, brands should rethink the segmentation of their Chinese customers, to better tailor their marketing messages and merchandising to fit local tastes and traits.  

 - Livestream is not there to last: influencer-driven livestream has become a popular digital marketing and live selling option in the past year; however, some industry experts believe that because its high fees and logistic challenges, livestream will not be among the primary ways that people will shop with after the pandemic  


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