Thursday, March 04, 2021

Are We All THAT Predictable?

There have been few brands that have been able to weather the storm that the pandemic has brought. The food and restaurant industry were all but decimated under distancing and in-door capacity regulations, and so naturally, services that offered no-touch solutions were prioritized by wary consumers who for the most part, would opt for convenience over contagion. Until reading this article, I was unaware that McDonald's own AI company, Dynamic Yield, was influencing my purchase decisions through personalization. Although the company is deliberating a sale for underperforming on ROI, I think the concept itself is far more interesting. None of us are oblivious to suggestive selling technology, particularly when it comes to 'recommended products' on Amazon or other retail sites. But to think that my innate hunger could be satiated by predictive technology in under 20 seconds in a drive-through queue is fascinating yet also disturbing. Are we all that predictable?

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