Saturday, March 27, 2021


Pros and Cons of Facebook Ads

Facebook has garnered an enormous share of companies’ online ad spend. Advertising on social media has benefits and drawbacks. Below are a few of the pros and cons.


-          Facebook can put your company in front of an extremely large and broad audience with over a billion DAUs.

-          Facebook allows for visual content (videos and photos) that are good at catching prospects’ attention.

-          It allows you to target users in your area or those that fit demographics likely to use your product or service.

-          Facebook’s tools make the ads relatively easy to set up and build a campaign.

-          You can use Facebook to re-market to people who have come to your website previously.


-          If you don’t set up your targeting correctly, Facebook advertising can be very expensive and provide very little return.

-          Although you are reaching a broader audience, conversion rates are generally lower than Google ads since those people are actively searching for your product or service. Facebook can only suggest those who might be interested.

-          Facebook provides few organic views. Facebook’s algorithms purposely limit brand visibility unless you have paid them for ads.

While Facebook has built powerful tools to help marketers find huge swaths of potential customers, make sure you are thoughtful about your approach or you will see limited return on your money and efforts.

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