Saturday, March 27, 2021

The First Ever Tweet was sold for donation by using NFT (non-fungible token) and paid by bitcoin

Many of you may know about the news on the first ever tweet was sold over $2.9M. If you just read the headlines, you may think "Oh that's great." However, interesting part is not just five words are worth a millions of dollars but the way it was processed and sold. Here is the interesting part:

1. The first ever Tweet was sold at the form of NFT (non- fungible token)

NFT is a kind of unique digital asset that allows you to buy and sell over online or digitally. There is no need to have your lawyer or patent in place I guess. Because it is also digitally managed no paper work as well.

2. The bid was done through a digital plat form called "Valuables by Cent." 

Very similar feature like Twitter. There is no need to plan an auction and gathering at the same time. No physical contact.

3. The donation was paid by bitcoin.

The value of the first ever tweet was marked at $2,915,835.47 and paid immediately by bitcoin. Not in a cash which makes the transaction easily not thinking about the conversion rate for the currency in Africa (the donation was for Africa).

As digital marketer, the idea and the concept of asset and values are changing rapidly. People can now easily transact by themselves without not dealing with all the legal issues or currency issues to buy and sell stuff. If you think your house have something valuable, it may be a worth trying to bid and donate for the charity.

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