According to YouGov's media metrics, the UK's biggest brand movers of 2021 or brands that are resonating the most positively among UK consumers, are improving and scoring highly in media metrics including word of mouth, ad awareness, and buzz. Star, a content hub that is a part of Disney+ streaming service, ranked #1 in the YouGov BrandIndex between January and February of 2021. Star saw a significant boost in word of mouth and ad awareness while second place in the YouGov BrandIndex, All 4, saw a significant increase in word of mouth, ad awareness, and buzz.
While the article referenced below lists the top 5 brands resonating among UK consumers and a variety of reasons for their rankings, it is clear that as you read the article, these accounts all did well by increasing media metrics, which include word of mouth, ad awareness, and buzz. There are other metrics listed under brand metrics (i.e. value, impression, satisfaction) and purchase funnel (i.e. consideration, purchase intent), however, the increasing media metrics seem to make up the success of the top 3. With added value, impressions, and reputation being a hot topic in digital marketing, it is interesting to see that media metrics were so important in launching these companies into the top positions so far this year.
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