Thursday, April 08, 2021

Amazon's Amazin' Actual Acquisition of Ad Market Share (in the US)

 The alliteration was simply for fun and had no other purpose. But, this blog post does have an intention and purpose! 

Amazon Surpasses 10% of U.S. Digital Ad Market Share - WSJ

Amazon's share of the U.S. digitial ad market has continued to grow and chip away at Google and Facebooks share on a % basis. 10% marks the latest milestone -- and Amazon's share is projected to continue to grow. 

Amazon's share is almost entirely derived of Ads on their own marketplace platform, which is kinda funny and shows how dominant Amazon is as an ecommerce player.

It also points to the continued overlap of the major US tech players as each seeks growth in the others categories -- a sort of friendly but foe relationship as both partners and competitors. 

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