Friday, April 09, 2021

Building Brand Trust and Affinity by tapping into Psychological Levers

 In the recent years, it has become known of the power of Educational content in building brand trust and affinity.  In a study done by conductor (R1), it was discovered that a week after reading some education content from a brand, there was a 9% increase in the number of consumers who identified the brand as "trustworthy".  In addition, there was an 8% increase in positive brand perception.  Furthermore, it was also discovered that consumers who read an educational content from a brand were 48% more likely to buy one week later.

building brand trust

These study insights lead to a more fascinating dive into the underlying psychological principles that affect customer behaviour.  Upon discussing the findings with a leading web psychologist Nathalie Nahai, some  root psychological levers were uncovered:

  • familiarity principle
  • reciprocity
  • likeability based  on values

These findings are interesting and puts a new light on existing marketing activities such as social proofs which encapsulates these levers.  Intuitively, it makes sense that if you portray familiarity, tap into an innate desire to reciprocate, and align with customer core values in your messaging, the conversion outcome will be a lot higher.  

Like in Leadership where there are many different styles of leading (value-based, servant, etc.), so too are there different approaches to marketing your business. Personally, I feel good marketing comes down to building trust through a strong value proposition and how you communicate it authentically and effectively to align your vision with customers perceptions.


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